Ever since I was in middle school I have always carried a purse that has something in it for every situation. This only works because I keep it neat and organized. I am going to do the embarrassing and list here the contents of my purse and why I keep these specific items on hand. I will also mention what I purposefully do not have in my purse :)
In the front pockets of my purse:
- my Blackberry - I use this to organize everything. It has my schedule, task list, notes, and emails. It synchronizes to my computer and gets backed up so I do not run the risk of losing any of it!
- my RFID card for work and my keys - I only have the 5 keys I need and a USB drive
- a small pill case with four spaces - just in case I need to throw my morning pills in my purse or I am staying somewhere overnight
In the three pockets inside the front of my purse:

Pocket one:
- 3 pencils - I am always lending someone a pencil so I carry more than one or two
- 3 pens - one red, one blue and one black
- my spare glasses - for when I do not have time to put in contacts
- chopsticks from Tzu Chi - I eat a lot of Asian foods outside of the house and you can save having to use the wooden ones by carrying these! They are also a great conversation piece :P
Pocket two:
- headphones - to use on my computer, Blackberry, wherever!
- contact lens case with fresh liquid inside
- Vaseline Lip Therapy in Cherry - I keep it in the front because it is what I use more often on my lips (I rarely wear lip gloss/lipstick)
- a spare microSD card for my Blackberry
Pocket three:
- 2 hair elastics
- a tiny safety pin - I cannot tell you how often I have been thankful I carry one of these!
- several bobby pins
The front loose section is where I store:
- a small Kleenex package
- my digital camera (when I carry it)
- a claw hair clip with no-slip grip - to get my hair up and out of the way when I need to
The back loose section is where I store:
- my wallet
- a mini umbrella
- water (when I carry it)
- USB cord - to connect my Blackberry to any computer - it is easier than carrying a travel charger!
The middle zippered section is the busiest part of my purse:
- travel toothbrush, tooth paste, and floss - I keep these together in a small baggie
- gum
- a compact mirror
- lens cloth - to clean my glasses or camera lens
- Tide-to-Go pen - people always appreciate this when they spill something on their shirt!
- peds - just in case I end up in a shoe store :)
- a travel-sized Vaseline Total Moisture lotion - I am careful and wash my hands often which can dry out your skin
- Blink Contacts lubricating eye drops - for dry contacts these are so much better than Visine
- headphones for my Blackberry - I rarely use them but if I need a hands-free option I like to have them
- L'Oreal Double Extend mascara - in case I have to go somewhere and I was not expecting it, I can throw this on and feel a little more put together
- Neutrogena nourishing eye liner - same reason as the mascara
- Revlon ColorStay Blemish Concealer in Fair - in case I get a sudden spot I need to cover! I do not wear makeup daily, so I keep this in case I did not check my face in the morning
- bareMinerals 100% natural lip gloss in Rose - same reason as the mascara and eye liner
- bareMinerals 100% natural mineral lip color in Rose - again same reason as the rest of my makeup!
- a travel-sized bottle of Aleve - inside are 2 Imodium, 2 Zantac, 5 Aleve, and 3 Ibuprofen - My mom calls me a walking pharmacy :)
In the back inside zippered pocket:
- several index cards - in case I have to write something down for someone or make a list
- several Band-Aids - I have two left feet sometimes!
- a travel-sized nail file - I break my nails all the time
- feminine care items - all women need to be prepared for themselves and their friends :)
- an extra CharlieCard - I often help people in the subways, so I carry an extra
- a mini tube of superglue - you never know when you might really need it! I ripped the bottom off my shoe the other day and my superglue really came in handy!
In the back outside zippered pocket:
- a few labels with my name on it - in case I have to label something of mine
Now for the contents of my wallet :)
- Cards: Driver's license, university ID, high school ID, insurance, blue card, list of medications and allergies, CharlieCard, CVS, prescriptions debit, two debit cards, three commuter rail tickets, PETCO, Best Buy, Godiva, Sephora, international calling card, Stop & Shop, Shaws, AAA, Boston library card, Minuteman libraries card, 4 Cargo eye shadow cards
- Commuter rail schedule
- a receipt from a fancy dinner with my boyfriend
- one Band-Aid - in case I am only carrying my wallet not my entire purse. I am clumsy!
- two wet naps - I prefer these to hand sanitizer because you can clean things other than your hands with them if there is a mess. I keep them from any restaurant that gives them out after a meal!
- small amount of cash - I try to use cash the least amount possible because it is easier to track debit card spending. I have to write down all cash amounts to keep track!
- small amount of coins - I try not to carry too many coins because they can get very heavy quickly
In essence, the reason for this list is to show that you can carry this many things, and be prepared for anything, as long as you keep it organized. If I need something from my purse, I know immediately where it is. I have a designated spot for everything in my purse, so it never takes me even a minute to find something!
A few things I do not keep in my purse:
- receipts - I have seen the nightmare purses that are filled with loose receipts everywhere. I have no idea why you would need to keep those on hand. If you do keep your receipts, create a designated spot for them in your purse (inside a pouch for instance) and make a habit of taking those out at the end of the day. Have another designated spot in your house/apartment where you keep a file of your receipts.
- loose change - Money is dirty. I have seen purses that have tons of loose change rolling around the bottom touching everything that is supposed to be clean. Who wants their candies rolling around with everyone's germs? Not me, thank you very much!
- anything that I absolutely cannot find a good reason for - Some people lug complete junk around with them everywhere and they ask themselves "Why is this even in my purse at all?" If you find yourself asking that question about anything in your purse, go with your instincts, and find it a better home.
The main things is to create a system that allows to you get to the front counter and not be scrambling for extra change or that card you just know is in there somewhere. Here are a couple tricks:
- keep like things together - I have all of my hair care items in one area, makeup in another, emergency items, and so forth. Using little pouches to keep things together can work really well because it will be easier to find items that are in pouches and not lost in the bottom of your bag
- make sure when you buy a purse that it is not just fashionable, but also fits your specific needs - I spent a great deal of time finding my purse, but it was worth it. Not only is it fashionable and get lots of compliments, but I was able to create designated spots for all of my stuff inside it. The fact that it has three inside spaces (one zippered - great for lots of loose items), and plenty of smaller inside and outer pockets, made it the perfect bag!
- make an inventory of the things in your purse - In making this list, I was forced to go through every item and justify it. In going through that process, I was sure that the items in my purse are ones I truly want to carry with me. You may find that in making your own inventory there are items that really do not belong in your purse, and you can leave them at home! Also, in the event that something terrible happens and you lose you purse or it is stolen, you have a list of everything that is missing. I also have a PDF of all of my important cards from my wallet (front and back) for that same reason!
This took a little courage to post so I hope you enjoyed it! You may not decide to go through your purse/wallet today, but remember if you do to try these tips! Good Luck :)