- Eat a few vegetarian meals a week to cut back on carbon emissions, fight global hunger, and reduce cruelty to animals. Try starting a meat-free Monday like Paul McCartney! A vegetarian diet is also much cheaper than a meat eater's diet (and healthier!). Now that's a cost savings you didn't think about ;)
- Drive less! Carpool or join a ride share if you can, take public transportation, or walk :) When you carpool you do not have to deal with driving and you can catch up on some sleep (if you are not driving!). When taking public transportation you do not have to deal with traffic. And walking is just plain old good for you (unless you are clumsy like me...)
- Carry utensils (I carry chopsticks!) This saves you from constantly using plastic utensils.
- Carry a bottle. We buy enough bottled water to circle the earth over and over every day. Some get recycled and some do not, but that also wastes energy. Most places are required to filter their tap, and it is just as healthy (and usually tastier) than bottled.
- Leave mugs and utensils at work. This saves you a cup every day when you make your tea or coffee. And during lunch you can use your real utensils! Who likes using the plastic ones anyways?
- Leave reusable grocery bags in your car. Reducing the number of wasted plastic bags every time you shop is a big step towards being more earth-friendly!
- Use more environmentally-friendly chemicals in your home. Seventh Generation, as well as many other "green" household cleaners, have come out with products for almost all of your cleaning needs, and they are much better for our earth. We put so many chemicals in the air, dirt, and water, but you can still keep a happy, clean home and leave the chemicals alone.
- Use energy-efficient appliances. From your microwave to your dishwasher to your washer/dryer you can buy products with the EnergyStar label to reduce the amount of energy and water you use. This will also reduce the amount you spend on utilities!
- Turn off the lights! When you leave the house, when you leave the room, etc. Also, do not leave your A/C blasting while you are not even there enjoying it!
- And my personal favorite: Let the dishwasher do it for you! Many many studies have shown that it is more environmentally-friendly to use your dishwasher than to hand-wash your dishes. It also gets your dishes cleaner than you could yourself! Remember: the dirtiest thing in your house is your kitchen sponge (da da duuuuuum - check Mythbusters...)
Hope this gives you a few ideas! The biggest one, of course, is number one. A vegetarian who drives an SUV pollutes less than meat eater who drives Prius! Not that I know any vegetarians that drive SUV's ;)
Still to come!!
- Top Tips to Start Getting Organized
- My Closet - "Where the devil are my slippers?"
- Keeping Track of Your Finances and Budgeting - Money Saving Tips You Never Thought Of!
- Excel Tips
If I take up Meat-Free Mondays, will Sir Paul come to dinner?